회원가입 약관동의

가입을 원하시면 아래의 약관 및 개인정보 취급방침에 대한 안내를 반드시 읽고 동의해 주세요.


Chapter 1: General Rules

Chapter 2: Service Contract

Chapter 3: Obligations of Contracting Parties

Chapter 4: Utilization of Service

Chapter 5: Termination and Restriction of Use of Contracts

Chapter 6: Other Terms


Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this Agreement is to prescribe matters concerning the conditions and procedures for the use of all services provided by Remote Solution Co., Ltd. (from now on referred to as "Company") on the website (remotesolution.co.kr).

Article 2 (Definition)

The terms used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows:

1. User: A person who receives services provided by the company under these terms and conditions.

2. Service contract: Contract between the company and the user in regards to the service

3. Subscription: Completing the company's application form and completing the service contract by agreeing to these terms and conditions.

4. Member: A person who registered as a member on this website by providing the personal information necessary for registration.

5. User ID (ID): A unique combination of alphanumeric characters and numbers chosen by a user, and approved by the company, to identify a member and for the member to use the services.

6. PASSWORD: A combination of alphabetic, numeric, and special characters set by the user to protect the member's information.

7. Usage: The company or its members express their intention to terminate the service contract after using the service.

Article 3 (Purpose)

If the member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she may request the withdrawal (resignation) of the member. However if the member continues to use the service without expressing his/her refusal seven days after the date of effectuation of the changed terms and conditions, it shall be deemed that the user to has agreed to the change of the terms and conditions.

① These changed terms and conditions become effective by posting it on the service screen of this Agreement or posting it on the notice board or other means.

② The company may change the contents of these terms and conditions as deemed necessary, and the changed terms and conditions shall be notified on the service screen. If the user continues to use the service without indicating his/her intention to refuse the amended terms and conditions seven days after the change, it shall be deemed that the new terms and conditions has been agreed.

③ If the user does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she may discontinue the use of the service and cancel his/her membership. If he/she continues to use the services based on changed terms, he/she is deemed to have agreed to change of the terms and conditions, and the changed terms will take effect in the same way as the previous paragraph.

Article 4 (Compliance Regulations)

Matters not specified in this Agreement shall be governed by the Telecommunications Framework Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant statutes.


Chapter 2: Service Contract

Article 5 (Enforcement of a Contract for Use) The service contract is established by the company’s consent to the user’s application, and the user’s consent to the terms and conditions. 

Article 6 (Application for Utilization) Users can apply by inputting their personal information on the company's application form on the service's member information screen.

Article 7 (Approval of an Application for Utilizat ion)

①If a member applies for the service by correctly providing all the required application details, and unless there are any issues with the details provided, the user’s application shall be accepted.

②Refusal of service usage can occur in any of the following cases:

1.When the user provides a false name

2.When an application is made using the name of someone else

3.When false details are provided in the application

4.When an application is made to disrupt order and/or customs of society

5.When any other requirements are not met needed for the application

Article 8 (Changes in Contract Terms) In case circumstances change in relation to the details provided by the user in the application, the user must amend the details accordingly to reflect the changes in circumstances. The user shall be held responsible any issues arising due to non-amendment of the details. 

Chapter 3: Obligations of Contracting Parties

Article 9 (Company’s Obligations)

The company shall not divulge or distribute user’s personal information to third parties without their consent.

However, this shall not apply where there is a request for information from a state agency under the Telecommunications Framework Act's provisions, etc., in relation to a crime investigation or a request under the procedures prescribed by other relevant statutes.

Article 10 (Member’s Obligations)

① A member shall not perform any of the following acts whilst using the service:

1. Improper use of another member’s ID

2. Copying, publishing, or providing information obtained from the services to third parties;

3. Violating copyrights of the company, copyrights of third parties, and other rights;

4. Dissemination of content in violation of public order and customs;

5. An act that is objectively judged to be linked to a crime.

6. Violations of other relevant statutes

② Members shall not engage in business activities using the service, and the company shall not be held liable for any consequences of such business activities.

③ The member shall not transfer or donate the right to use the service or other service contract status to another person and shall not provide it as collateral.

Chapter 4: Utilization of Service

Article 11 (Duties of Members)

① Where necessary, members shall be responsible for the maintenance of his/her email, bulletin board, and registration materials etc.

② A member cannot arbitrarily delete or change data provided by the company.

③ Members shall not register contents that violate public order and/or customs on the company's website or other rights such as copyrights of third parties.

If such contents are posted, the member shall be held fully responsible for such actions.

Article 12 (Managing and Deleting Posts/Publications)

For the efficient operation of the service, the member’s allocated memory space, message size, storage duration etc. may be restricted, and the registration may be deleted without prior notice if it falls under any of the following:

1. Slander against other members or third parties that result in damage to their reputation

2. Violation of public order and customs

3. Criminal acts or acts related to crime 

4. Infringement of copyright of the company or copyright of a third party, etc.

5. Posting of obscene materials on the company's website and bulletin board or links to such materials and/or websites

6. Violation of other relevant statutes

Article 13 (Copyright of Publications)

Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties

The copyright of the post belongs to the publisher, and the member shall not use data posted on the service for commercial purposes, such as the act of processing or selling information obtained using the service.

Article 14 (Service Hours)

In principle, the service shall accessible and usable 24 hours a day unless there is a notable technical or commercial disruption. The service may be down periodically for maintenance and inspection purposes.

Article 15 (Service Utilization Responsibilities)

Users shall not use the service to hack, link pornographic websites, or illegally distribute commercial S/W. The company shall not be held liable for the consequences and commercial losses caused by such violations nor any legal actions taken as a consequence.

Article 16 (Suspension of Service Delivery)

Services may be down in the following situations:

1. In case of unavoidable circumstances such as construction, repair of service equipment and maintenance.

2. Where a fixed-term telecommunication service provider as stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act has stopped the 

telecommunication service.

3. If a system check is required.

4. In the case of other force majeure reasons.

Chapter 5: Termination and Restriction of Use of Contracts 

Article 17 (Cancellation of Contract and Restriction of Usage)

① When a member intends to terminate a service contract, the member shall apply for termination online. The company shall take action after verifying the member’s identity.

② The company shall notify the member of its intention to terminate the service contract 30 days prior to termination in the following cases. The user will be able to respond to the notification during this period. 

1. Misuse of another person’s user ID and password.

2. Intentionally obstructing the service operation.

3. Using false details in the service application

4. Registration of multiple IDs

5. Dissemination of content that is detrimental to public order and customs;

6. Where the member has caused offence to others or commits acts of defamation.

7. Transferring large amounts of information or advertising information to hinder the stable operation of the service;

8. In the case of distributing computer virus programs that cause malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information, etc.

9. Any infringement of the intellectual property rights of the Company or any other member or third party.

10. If other people's personal information, user ID, and passwords are used for illegal purposes.

11. Where a member posts pornographic or otherwise obscene materials or links to websites containing such materials on to his/her homepage or bulletin board.

12. Where it is deemed to violate any other relevant statutes, lar, or regulations.

Chapter 6: Other Terms

Article 18 (No Transfer) 

The member shall not transfer or bestow the right to use the service or other service contract status to another person and shall not provide it as collateral.

Article 19 (Compensation for Damage)

The company shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the members connected with the services that are provided free of charge, except for damages caused by the company's intentional or gross negligence.

Article 20 (Exemption Clause) 

① If the company is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, wars, or other force majeure, the company shall be exempted from all any liabilities, or responsibilities of providing services.

② The company is exempted from all liabilities or responsibilities for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, maintenance, regular inspection, and construction of service facilities.

③ The company shall not be held liable for failure of service due to reasons attributable to the member’s actions.

④ The company shall not be held liable for damages, loss of profits, or loss of data resulting from information obtained from services.

⑤The company shall not be held responsible for the information, data, reliability, and accuracy of posts posted by the members.

Article 21 (Jurisdiction)

The court having jurisdiction over the region of the company’s registered address shall exclusively handle all lawsuits filed against the company in relation to the service.

Additional Clause 

(Enforcement Date) This Agreement shall enter into force from 0000-0000.

개인정보 수집 및 이용에 대한 안내

"Remote Solution Co., Ltd." (from now on referred to as "Company") values your personal information and complies with the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection.“

The company will inform you of the purpose and usage of personal information provided by the customer through the Privacy Policy and what actions are being taken to protect such personal information.

When the company revises the privacy policy, it will post a notification on its website. The company reserves the right to inform the members directly.

ο Personal Information Handling Policy Announcement Date: 0000-00-00

ο This policy is effective from : [ 0000-00-00 ]

Agreement of Collection of Personal Information

The company shall give the user the option to agree or disagree to the privacy policy. If the user clicks the “Agree” button, it will be presumed that the user is in agreement to collect his/her personal information.

Protection of minor’s personal information

ο The company shall collect information of children under the age of 14 only based on consent from a legal guardian. 

ο The legal guardian of 14 may request the viewing, correction, and withdrawal of the child's personal information. If such a request is made, the company shall take necessary measures without delay.


Items of Personal Data Collected

The company collects personal data for membership application, member consultation, and service application, etc.

ο Data collected: Name, date of birth, gender, login ID, password, home phone number, home phone number, mobile phone number, e-mail, job, marriage, social security number, service usage record, access log, cookie, access IP information, payment record

ο Method of collection: Homepage (membership application, bulletin board, etc.) and submission of information request

Purpose and utilization of collected personal data

The company utilizes the collected personal data for the following purposes.

ο Establishing contracts and payment transactions for delivery of the service.

Provision of content, purchases and commission payment, shipping of goods, and billing, etc.

ο Membership Management

Personal identification of service users, prevention of illegal and unauthorized use, confirmation of intention to sign up, age verification, identification of users under 14 years of age and required proof of consent by a legal guardian, handling complaints procedures, and delivery of notices. 

Use of Personal Data for Marketing and Advertising Purposes

Statistics related to access of advertisements, events, frequency, or members' use of services.

Sensitive personal information (such as race and ethnicity, ideology and creed, origin and place of birth, political orientation, criminal record, health status, and sex life, that may violate a user’s fundamental human rights are not collected.

Retention and Utilization of Personal Information

ο Your personal information will be destroyed/deleted when the purpose for the collection of the private information is achieved, as follows:

- In the case of membership information, when a member withdraws or is expelled. 

- In the case of payment information, when the payment is completed or when the bond is destroyed, the effective expiration becomes effective.

- In the case of shipping information, when goods or services are delivered or provided (except if necessary to preserve them under the Commercial Act's provisions, etc.)

ο The member’s consent will be required if the personal data will be kept for whatever reason after the retention.

Procedure and Method of Destroying Personal Information

In principle, the company terminates the information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved. The termination procedure and method are as follows:

ο Termination Procedure

The membership information will be transferred to a separate database after the purpose has been achieved (in the case of paper, an individual filing box). Afterward, it will be destroyed after being stored for a certain period (see retention and service period) following internal policy and other related statutes. Personal information transferred to a separate database shall not be used for any purpose other than to be retained except by law.

ο Method of Termination 

Personal information stored in an electronic file format is deleted using technologies that doesn’t allow the recovery of destroyed data

Provision of Personal information

In principle, the company does not provide users' personal information to any third parties, unless required by law. However, exceptions are made in the following cases:

- With prior consent from the user

- A request from an governmental agency with legal authority to request such information, and only following legal processes and procedures in such cases.

Consignment of Collected Personal Data

The company can consign your personal data to third parties for service improvement purposes. In such cases the company will:

ο Notify the member in advance.

ο Contractually ensure with the third party with whom the data will be shared, has a strict policy in protection of, personal information, the confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of third-party providers, and liability in the event of an accident. Such contract will be kept as hard copies and in electronic format.

- Recipient of Consigned Personal Data: [Name of courier company]

- Details of Consignment: [Delivered contents of courier ]) ex. Delivery of Goods

- Recipient of Consigned Personal Data: [PG Company Name]

- Details of Consignment:[PG consigned contents] Purchase and payment of charges


Rights of Users and Legal Representatives

The user can inquire or modify his or her registered personal information at any time or request cancellation of membership.

To inquire and modify users' personal information, click on ‘Amend Personal Details' (or ‘Amend Member Details” etc.)

To unsubscribe (Withdrawal of Membership), click "membership withdrawal" to go through the identification process, and decide whether to view, correct, or withdraw.

Contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing, phone, or e-mail, and he or she will take action without delay.

If you request correction of errors regarding personal information, we will not use or share such personal data until the correction is completed. Also if incorrect personal information has already been shared with a third party. we will notify the third party regarding the correction without delay to amend it.

The company terminates personal information at the user's request as specified in the "Duration of Retention and Use of Personal Information by the Company" and will not use or process it for any other purpose.


Technical Plan for Personal Information Protection

The company is taking the technical contingency plan to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered, or damaged in handling your personal information.

ο The personal information is password protected, and its sensitive data is protected by additional security features using data encryption or file lock.

ο The company is taking measures to prevent damage caused by computer viruses by using anti-virus programs. The anti-virus program is updated regularly, and in the event of a sudden outbreak of a virus, the program will be immediately available to prevent personal information from being violated.

ο The company utilizes cryptographic algorithms when transferring personal data (SSL or SET).

ο To prevent information leakage through hacking, the company uses firewall programs to block external intrusion in to the network. Such intrusion or breach of data are monitored 24 hours a day by the intrusion detection systems on each server.

Installation and Operation of Devices Which Automatically Collect Personal Data, and User’s Right to Refusal

The company uses 'cookies' to store and retrieve your information from time to time. Cookies are tiny text files sent to your browser by the server used to operate oo's website and are stored on your computer's hard disk.

The company uses cookies for the following reasons:

▶Purpose of usage of cookies. 

- Targeted marketing and personalized services are provided by analyzing the frequency of access and visit times of members and non-members, identifying user preferences and interests, tracking their interests, and identifying the degree of participation in various 

events and the number of visits.

The user has the option and right of refusal regarding installation of cookies. By setting the options in the web browser, the user may choose to allow all cookies, decide whether to install cookies at each instance, or refuse to save cookies all together.

▶How to Reject Cookie Settings

Example: By choosing the option in your web browser, you can accept all cookies, check each time you save cookies, or decline to save all cookies.

Set Up Method (for Internet Explorer):

Tools at the top of your web browser > Internet Options > Privacy 

Please note that if installation of cookies are rejected, there may be difficulties or problems in using the service.

Help and Support Regarding Personal Information

To protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to confidential information, Please use the below contact regarding any complaints related to personal information management.

Name: Manager

Phone number: 000-000-0000

Email :@.

Reports or complaints related to personal information protection can be raised to the person in charge of personal information management or the department in charge. The company will adhere to deal with such reports and complaints swiftly and effectively.

If you need to report or enquire about any other personal information infringement, please contact the following agency:

1. The Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee under the Korea Information Security Agency (www.1336.or.kr/1336)

2. The Data Protection Commissioner (www.eprivacy.or.kr/02-580-0533~4)

3. Internet Crime Investigation Center of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office (http://icic.sppo.go.kr/02-3480-3600)

4. National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center (www.ctrc.go.kr/02-392-0330)